The Loki Brew

-A brew of unknown origin, the glowing liquid has no color nor smell before being poured into the shot glass for its consumer.With up to 42 different unique effects go ahead and take a chance and take the shot!-The effects may change from night to night. If you got one effect one night, it may not be the same effect the next.

-(all effects can stack) -(All effects are temporary) -(All Effects last as long as the Rper Desires)

The Loki Brew

Type /random into the ingame chat box to roll the dice and decide your fate! Select the number range your roll fell into!

The Critical Failure

The shot is a muddy brown color that steams in the glass. Though it smells of nothing the taste can be generously described as a mix of very hot chilies, dirty pool water and grass clippings, and if the taste wasn't appetizing enough it burns all the way down.

If you were drunk you are now Painfully Sober, if this is your first shot then no matter how much you drink you shall not get drunk. You are able to drink Alcohol as if it were water and it shall taste as much. Be warned, though it be like water, too much alcohol is still poisonous to one's health. (This shot nullifies all other previous shot effects)

That Haunting Embarrassment

The shot is a dark violet swirl of reflection and introspection. There appears to be flecks of something within the shot though you cannot make out exactly what it is… The taste is a mix of sickeningly sweet as if it were overcompensating for the terribly stale aftertaste that you are left with.

You are forced to remember an incredibly embarrassing moment from earlier in your life, and now cannot shake the events from your mind. For normally charismatic folks, you now feel terribly awkward and off balance as you are haunted by that horrifically awkward moment you wish you could take back. Those who are less personable or charismatic, you find yourself nearly paralyzed in fear of making some equally awkward misstep which will haunt you for the rest of your days as this memory seems to.

The Fantasia

This shot is cold to the touch and cloudy white in color. Small flecks of many different colors glitter and sparkle, suspended in the Liquid. While odorless it’s lcy cold when consumed and tastes vaguely of peppermint.

After drinking this cold snap of a drink something cosmetic about your appearance will start to slowly change. Worry not the transformation may be dramatic but it is only temporary. Your eyes could shift to a vibrant neon pink hue, or maybe you develop a lovely glowing aura! Who knows! The effects are random so use your imagination!

Pink Moogles on Parade

Faintly ivory in color this bubbly drink is crystal clear! Fragrant hints of autumn apples and grape match its crisp fruit flavor with an aftertaste of cloud mallow and kuponut.

Once ingesting the effects being slowly, lulling you into a comfortable daze while you begin to hallucinate. Maybe colors at first but slowly the visions evolve becoming either increasingly pleasant. Maybe Pink Moogles dancing and playing around you, cherry blossom petals swirling about you in a haze of color. Or Horrific, nightmare Pink Moogles perform bizarre feats of body horror, singing songs of hellfire! The hallucinations are random and up to your imagination, but always involve pink Moogles.

Rainbow Road

This brightly colored almost glowing drink flashes rapidly through all the colors of the rainbow. Golden sparkles pool and froth over the edge before fading away. The Aroma has a strong floral scent with just a hint of rubber and exhaust. While the taste is very much tootie-fruity and sweet, it ends on spicy hot flowery notes.

Well you never quite saw the appeal of the same gender that is... until now. You are not quite sure what it is, but this sudden curiosity has taken over you, and what's wrong with a little exploration? Hmm? Harmless fun is all it is… you hope. For those who are not heterosexual you are made immediately sloppy drunk and quite wanting of attention!

To Heat!

The drink fades from clear white to hot blue, and it is literally hot, the shot burns with an open flame and with a strong acidic smell! Both bitter and spicy the shot has notes of rubbing alcohol and cinnamon.

Upon ingesting this shot you are overwhelmingly hot and see no recourse but to take off your clothes, right now, this instant, not even the twelve can stop you! Should you come across any pools of water you will want to immediately dive in and splash about to cool down.
“A toast! To Heat!... Not the heat that ignites and burns down shanties, but the heat that excites! And pulls down panities! To Heat!” - the Maidens Iris and Rose

The Dincht Special

This drink is a ghastly mix of bright yellow and red swirled together but never mixing. Its taste, while unknown to Eorzea, tastes of hot dogs with Mustard and Ketchup. It's a heavy swallow and makes one feel as if they have just eaten for a short time.

As the horribly artificial and processed flavors cascade over your taste buds you are suddenly struck with energy! You have never been so awake! You feel like you could run a marathon, wrestle a behemoth and still have enough left over to dance the night away! You just can't stop moving and jiving! The Longer you are under its effects the hungry you get, insatiably so, but alas it all tastes of hot dogs.

Time Kompression

A cloudy white this shot fades in and out with lost shades of blue, purple, pink and red. All swirling about an internal glow. The drink itself has the taste of iron, marshmallow and sweet amaretto. With the aroma of a cold misty dawn, yet with a far off sweetness. Its leaves a dry dustiness in your mouth.

As soon as this drink passes your lips time seems to slow down. You can see the flapping of a hummingbird's wings, the elegant branching of a lighting bolt. This has the positive effect of heightening your reflexes but that's only as long as you are able to stay lucid in the current time. Flashes of memories both forgotten and dear plague your mind, forcing you to relive these moments, but mayhap some faces are smeared, important people forgotten, important people remembered, it’s as if you are experiencing your entire life at once. Your timeline broken and reassembled at the whims of chance. Between these episodes your mind flashes back to the present. All of it mixed up!

Fields Forever

This shot looks and smells like Rolanberry milk with maybe the mild undertone of campfire. Its flavor is a rich and decadent smokey mix of sweet summer Rolanberries, dark luxurious chocolate, and fluffy marshmallow. It goes down quite smooth with only the smallest bite.

Wow you have never felt so good, everything and everyone is great. You are filled with warmth and contentment. Food tastes better, sweets are sweeter and the stars are brighter. Every sensation is heightened, soft things are softer, things that feel good feel amazing. Yet nothing is overwhelming, and everything is irresistible in this (marsh)mellow mood you find yourself in.

Eyes on Me

This shot is a swirl of deep red and blue and has a sweet aroma to it. Its equally sweet flavor has a taste of nostalgia to it.

After drinking this shot, the consumer is suddenly overcome with an artistic urge inspired by someone in the room. You cannot fight the urge within you, and rush over to serenade the sweet stranger with a song written by you. Who knows, maybe it’ll be the next big hit across Eorzea.

The Waterboy

It’s clear and uh, looks like water. It Tastes like water and even smells like water. You know what they say if it looks like a chocobo and kwehs like a chocobo it must be a chocobo! Though, this water seems to be of the finest mountain top, mineral spring-water.

I mean besides finding yourself incredibly refreshed, you are a little more hydrated… So that’s nice.

The Ol’ Loire Charm

This floral scented, clear, storm blue drink has refreshing hints of citrus and gin in its muted blueberry and violet liqueur flavor. Though a strong metallic aftertaste is common it leaves your breath with a minty fresh smell!

Upon consuming this shot you are filled with unyielding confidence and bravado. Such bravery you have never felt before in your life! That is...until you interact with someone to whom you have romantic feelings for, have a crush on or lust after. At that point you become unbearably nervous around them and develop a debilitating cramp in your right leg. Unable to look at them directly and practically unable to talk with them, your romantic ventures are sure to end in awkwardness and failure!

Death the Kid

This pure black shot appears to absorb all light that hits it, like a hole in reality. Yet a foggy mist emanates from it flowing over the rim of the glass. Incredibly dry it tastes of dark chocolate and espresso.

Upon consuming this drink it's as if you’ve had ten generous glasses of wine, you are immediately and unapologetically happily drunk.

The Moulin Rouge

A shocking yet deep red color, it shimmers with flecks of sparkling gold. This shot smells of rose and sweet fruits. In this liquid swirls the flavors of sweet spring cherries, rose, cinnamon, and other warm spices. It goes down quite easily and warms you from within!

As soon as you begin to warm from ingesting it, other more... intimate parts being to warm as well. Soon an overwhelming licentiousness takes over your mind and body. In this state of heat you find yourself in, the attractiveness of those around you seem to exceptionally grow! What can you do, how can you resist, it’s only natural after all.

Pixie Hollow!

This drink is a bright pink and smells sweet, like fruit. The taste matches as well, a very sugary and intoxicating beverage that is nearly liquid candy. It makes you feel as bubbly as it is!

After drinking, the user will start to feel very giggly, like something was tickling them. After a bit longer, they’ll start to hallucinate and see pixies floating around and actually tickling them. Not only that, but they will float around and cause mischief around the area, such as knocking things over. This of course is all in the drinkers head, and they might sound crazy if they try and explain what Pixies are, as they are not from this realm.

Duty Roulette

This smokey and lavender flavored shot is a pale translucent purple that seems to slightly glow in the dark. Notes of honey and heavenly amaretto fill this shot out and make it quite the satisfying swallow!

You will /random twice and take the effects of the two shots your numbers match. Should a one of the rolls land you in this number range again you will acquire quite the pleasant buzz. If you manage to double roll into this number range again your buzz ascends you into another plane of thought, and you seem to others as if you have lived your entire life in a garden, a far away dreamy quality and everything feels as if in a haze, without worry.

The Sorceress Parade

Bright almost glowing streaks of neon color swirl wildly in this dark purple almost black liquid. It fizzes and bubbles with colorful sparks as if miniature fireworks launch from its surface. One can almost hear faint wild music from within under a haze of a cheering crowd. It tastes of black Liquorice and purple, emanating with a smokey sweet scent.

“Lowlifes… shameless filthy wretches. How You celebrate my ascension with such joy! Hailing the very one for whom you have condemned for generations.”
This drink, while immediately getting you wasted, also has the poor effect of filling you with a machiavellian desire for world domination. Such fancies of grandeur fill your drunken imagination as you gain a wholly unearned sense of superiority and entitlement along with an irresistible desire to give dramatic speeches and monologues about your nefarious plans and dominion over all! It as if you have been possessed by an evil sorceress!

Hello, Darkness!

This shot looks like anything but unicorns and rainbows. In fact, it just looks like pure darkness. “What would darkness taste like,” you ask? Nothing. Nothing at all. In fact, you probably didn’t realize you swallowed the thing. Immediately, you want to check your reflection to see if it spilled out of your mouth. But surprise! You can’t see anything at all! Hello, Darkness, my old friend!

This shot causes temporary blindness. Aside from the initial shock of going blind, you start to feel numb -- emotionally, that is! That’s right! Full on blind-emo moment. Should we wake up you when the Fifth Astral Moon ends? I mean, what’s the worst that I can say? Things are better if you stay! So long and goodnight!

Maybe I’m a Lion

This shot greatly resembles molten gold with droplets leaping out at intervals like goldfish soaring from their tank. It tastes in a pleasant cascade of all your favorite foods and drinks!

After taking this shot, the drinker has a limited period of good luck in which they are more likely to succeed in all endeavours in which success is possible. There is a strong feeling of confidence and a sensation of infinite possibility, resulting in the drinker more likely to engage in tasks or endeavors that they would normally not be bold enough to try. Your character is feeling empowered, confident, and ready to try something that they would normally not do with success!

The All Seeing Eye

This Shot swirls in clouds of deep blues purples and black, shimmering and sparkling in the dark. Though the glass is stationary the liquid spins on its own accord. The aromas and tastes of sweet lavender, plum and violets tickle your senses with hints of Liquorice. Though it was not carbonated it pops and bubbles all the way down.

While not only being an incredibly strong alcoholic shot, you gain a measure of true sight, a higher plain perception. The world seems to pull back, the veil lifted, stars, planets, galaxies zoom across your vision! It’s as if you can see everything, the universe is yours to comprehend, the metaphysical knowable. Everything is relative and now, the fourth wall a foggy window into the truth! Upon the effects wearing off you are unable to recall any of the knowledge you gained while enthralled in the true sight.

Luck Be a Lady

This pale yellow and sparkling shot tastes of the sweetest most bubbliest of golden champaigns!

Lady luck is on your side this night, any actions you take are more likely to succeed! Add +100 to any rolls you may need to make! You feel like a real Broadway star among all the guys and dolls around you!

The Party Don’t Start ‘Till I Walk In

This Shot is a swirl of colors both beautiful and ghastly, are those fleck of glitter in it? Hmm well in the end it goes down smooth but tastes as if one mixed all the leftover booze they had in their liquor cabinet in a single punch bowl!

The booze hits you harder, the music rocks you more and you are now an insatiable party animal, the night is young and you are ready to live life to its fullest! You are now a real party monster!

Mother May I?

This glowing greenish blue shot has little taste, but is certainly a hard swallow

The first woman you spot is now your Mother, THE mother, of everything, you are obsessed with her and the ultimate power you perceive her to have! She will surely lead this world to a glorious new dawn

A Star is Born

This shot looks and tastes like a whisky sour. But the faint sound of an orchestra and the applause of an audience can be heard near it.

You are now the next greatest Broadway superstar! Or at least you think you are. Your Bardic talents must be known and you, thankfully, have a song in your heart and a dance in your step and are ready to show the peons your unbridled talent!

A Poet's Heart

The fizzing shot smells of lilac and gooseberries, and is a shocking violet color, its stormy flavor is sweet and complex.

You are sure you are a poet, certain that you know it. Every line you mutter, a rhyme you will utter. Not stopping all night, it sure is quite the plight!

In the Name of the Moon!

The sweet polished moonstone looking shot seems to sparkle and glow with a mysterious power!.

This drink is surprisingly powerful and sure to get you drunk with a single sip but has the wonderful side effect of convincing you that you are a mask crime fighting magical girl or boy here to stop the forces of evil from their wicked work, for in the name of the moon you with punish them!

Uno Reverse

Is this drink Blue? Red? Yellow or green? You're not too sure, even looking at it is a bit confusing, but its taste is like that of tequila and crayon.

Your personality reverses! If you were quiet you are now loud, if you were shy you are now outgoing! Only your personality shifts whatever alignment you may be stays the same.


This shot is a swirl of black white and gray and tastes of marshmallow, vanilla and black licorice.

Your character alignment switches to its opposite! If you were Lawful Good, you are now Chaotic Evil, If you were Lawful Evil you are now Chaotic Good!

Drunken Sailor

This shot tastes of Spiced Rum and seawater. A bit cloudy, its color only matches its taste with a lovely sandy, gritty texture!.

You have tasted the high seas and cant help but talk like a pirate, Arr! Matey ye can’t ‘elp yerself! If ye be already speakin’ like an ol’ sea dog then ye will be speakin’ with tha fancy polish of a lord in ‘is court, yar!

The Eliza Dolittle

This drink shimmers in white with what looks to be small diamonds floating in it among a shocking swirl of velvety red. Its sent is like that of the rain on the plain yet it tastes strawberries and cream.

Your ability to speak proper like, devolves govna’ aint a thin’ ta do abou’ it, like a nice cockney accent! Oi ain’t ya gonna be right chuffed eh?
Oi if ye be speakin wrong befer ya drink, then your dictation will instead antipode to that of the fine and verbose language of a Sharlayn scholar!

Kupo Nuts

This pale pink and bubbly shot tastes of cloud marshmallow and Kupo nuts.

You now have the verbal tic of ending your sentences with Kupo, kupo! You can’t help but speak like a moogle, kupo! In fact Kupo, you don’t even notice yourself doing it, Kupo!

Pocket Monsters

This shot is a deep shade of blue and in all actuality tastes like the color blue and is horridly sweet and strong.

You can now only say and communicate with a single word and that single word is your first name, even if you try to say other words and form sentences it all just comes out as your name.

It's Time to D-D-D-D-Duel!

This shot looks like liquid gold bubbling and frothing in the glass, it has little taste but leaves the hint of cheap paper and candied fruit in your mouth.

Besides the rush of sudden intoxication, for every slight against your person you are compelled to answer it with a proposal of a friendly duel, not to the death, heavens no! But you are sure that whoever loses will be sent to the shadow realm… whatever that is!

If You Read This…

This shot is as gray as dishwater and tastes about equal to it.

Besides being super drunk, you are sure you are about to die, but your not sad, nor angry, in fact you have come to terms with the inevitable and have the compelling urge to start composing your last will and testament. Also to say your final goodbyes to your friends, loved-ones and the strangers around you.

I See Dead People

If the world of FFVIX had Diet Coke then this is what you would think this shot tastes and looks like but alas it does not and so you are quite bemused by this strange new flavor.

After the immediate rush of drunkenness you are conceived you see and can speak to dead people, but really you are mistaking the strangers around you for the undead and have the strange compulsion to help these lost souls find peace and move on.


This shot glitters and glows in many colors and has a light sweet and refreshing fruity taste.

The first person you see after drinking this you become absolutely enthralled, compelled and obsessed with and are pretty sure you are going to make a shrine dedicated to them in your closet when you get home.

Moonlight Densetsu

This shot is as dark and blue as the midnight sky and it seems to twinkle and swirl with stars and galaxies. Its complex flavor has hints of rose and plum.

Besides the suddenly induced drunkenness the night air seems to fill with magic, colors seem more vibrant, food more delicious and the faces around you are even more attractive, in fact in your heart you feel the stirring of a moonlight romance and can't help but want to woo those around you you find most attractive. You are quite sure your sole mate in near!


With the taste of sea salt and tropical fruit this tangy orange colored shot is very strong on the pallet but finishes perfectly..

Now utterly wasted everything seems immensely funny to you, no matter how serious or unimportant the thing is you can't help but find hilarity in every situation!

The Narrator

This clear shot has little to no initial taste but has a strong aftertaste of mouthwash.

You suddenly can’t help but speak in the third person, and in fact you might even begin narrating your actions and thoughts aloud in a drunken manner.

Blue Blood

This Royal Purple shot tastes of the finest wine and the purest of gold. The liquid shimmers and dances in the glass, one can almost hear trumpets and the fanfare of a joys crowd when looking upon i

Besides the instant intoxication this shot makes one suddenly convinced they are a prince or princess. Compelled to act in accordance to their new status they will walk,talk,etc with all the grace and nobility of a courtly darling. Snobbery is of course a must.

Nyan of Youw Bwuiness

This Shot smells of canned purred fish and chicken an has the color of muddy water. It flavor is sickeningly sweet tootie-fruity and a bit like vomit.

Besides getting stuwpid dwuwnk u awe uwnabwe to speak nowmawwy and cant hewp buwt speak in a cuwtesy way, thewe is no way to stop in fact u don't even notice when it stawts! uwu
✼ ҉♡ (。O⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ O。) ҉♡ ✼

7 7 7

* Tastes and looks like gil, infact it is Gil*

Its your lucky day! As the liquid hits the shot glass it instantly turns into golden Gil coins, filling and spilling over the glass multiplies in a fountain of wealth. When all added together the Gil totals 100,000!

Speech Impediment

* "You dunk into my fish table!"*

The drink is terrible! So terrible in fact, you can't speak right! Suddenly your speaking gibberish and seemingly random words! Others may take it as you being very drunk but your really trying to communicate with them.

Double Oh-no!

Comes off as a Dry martini with a slightly fruity aftertaste.

Causes drinker to believe they are a James Bond-esk Secret agent and someone in the tavern is the villianous mastermind that must be stopped, complete with silly little James Bond quotes.

-Submited by Hina